Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

When Jesus was asked if he paid taxes, what animal concealed a coin with which to pay the taxes?


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The answer is: Fish

Matthew 17:24-27 - In this unique account, Jesus demonstrates His divine authority by instructing Peter to catch a fish that would contain a coin for the temple tax. This incident illustrates Christ's ability to provide in unconventional ways. Fish as a source of provision also connects with His calling of fishermen into discipleship.

In this fascinating narrative from Matthew, we witness a marvelous intersection of faith and the day-to-day stresses of life—like paying taxes. The act of using a fish to find a coin for taxes not only serves as a miraculous provision but also enriches our understanding of Jesus's ministry. It's a vivid reminder that solutions to our challenges can often be found in unexpected places.

The tale resonates with the broader biblical theme of reliance on God for daily needs. Just as God provided manna in the wilderness, here the divine meets the mundane, demonstrating that the extraordinary can emerge from ordinary circumstances. Did you know that fishing has deep biblical roots? It often symbolizes both spiritual provision and His call for people to follow Him for a greater purpose—from calling Simon Peter and the other fishermen to become "fishers of men" to using the fishermen's very work to highlight His mission.

This miracle also marks a shift from traditional Jewish approaches to Temple tax; rather than merely a financial transaction, it speaks volumes about faithfulness amidst societal demands. In an era where material possessions often dictate worth, this story challenges us to trust that our needs will be met in wondrous ways, urging us to seek spiritual richness far beyond mere coinage.

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