Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

In the parable of the labourers in the vineyard how much was each person paid to work?

1 pence
50 pence
100 pence
10 pence

Find this question in our The Ministry of Jesus Bible Quiz

The answer is: 1 pence

Matthew 20:1-16 - In this parable, Jesus emphasizes God's grace and the value of each believer regardless of when they join His kingdom. The one penny symbolizes God's generous reward, reminding us that divine generosity often subverts human expectations. This theme echoes throughout Scripture, as seen in the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32).

In the parable of the labourers in the vineyard, Jesus flips the script on the concept of worth and reward. Picture this: a landowner hiring workers throughout the day, promising them all the same payment, no matter how much time they actually put in. The typical expectation would be that those who labor longer deserve more than those who just came for a short while. However, here we see God's reversal of human standards — a penny for all, underscoring that in the realm of grace, fairness as we see it fades away.

Jesus consistently promotes this divine countercultural logic. The very portrayal in this parable reflects God's inclusive love, one that welcomes people into the faith journey at different points in their life—be it in the morning of one's youth or late in their years. Isn't it beautiful to think that Zechariah, who first would've felt alone in his shortcomings, or the malefactor right beside Jesus on the cross, both found mercy despite their timing?

The generous payment reflects God's boundless grace, challenging us to rethink hardly whether we hoard grace or generously extend it to others. And isn’t that what we ultimately call 'kingdom economy'? As you contemplate this story, consider how you measure worth and reward in your own life — the scales of justice often shift when viewed through love and acceptance!

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