Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Which prophet did Jesus refer to when some of the Scribes and Pharisees asked for a sign?


Find this question in our The Gospel of Matthew Bible Quiz

The answer is: Jonah

Matt 12:38-39 - Referring to the three days and nights that Jonah has spent in the belly of the great fish

When the Scribes and Pharisees demanded a sign from Jesus, their challenge was highly symbolic. By invoking Jonah, Jesus cleverly referenced the Old Testament prophet who captured the imagination of the Jewish people. For those in the crowd, Jonah’s story was well-known: a rebellious prophet, swallowed by a big fish, and spat back up only after he repented and did God’s bidding for Nineveh. This wasn’t just a tall tale—it served as a powerful reminder of divine persistence and mercy in the face of human disobedience.

Thinking of Jesus’ time in the tomb—three days and three nights—echoes Jonah’s oral adventure, further deepening the connection between his prophetic mission and the role of Jesus. Interestingly, Jonah’s story invites us all to consider themes of forgiveness and restoration. Just as the people of Nineveh repented upon hearing his warning, Jesus urged his listeners to rethink their ways and embrace a broader understanding of God’s will.

Also, did you know that the name "Jonah" itself means "dove" in Hebrew? This soft-hearted implication adds depth when looking at Jesus’ mission which focuses on love and reconciliation. The essence of banishing judgment and embracing second chances resonates throughout scripture, transcending time. In Jesus' reflection on Jonah, we see an invitation not just to seek signs, but to foster inner transformation across faith journeys—a timeless aim for humanity.

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