Bible Trivia Question
What's the Answer?
In the parable of the workers in the vineyard, why were some of the labourers unhappy with being paid only one penny?
They were made to work overtime for no extra pay
They didn't think it was enough for the type of work
They had been promised two pennies
Find this question in our The Gospel of Matthew Bible Quiz
Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: Some had worked less hours for the same pay
Matt 20:1-16 - Such is the kingdom of heaven. Some may labour in the Lord's vineyard for longer, but the reward is the same.
In the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard from Matthew 20:1-16, we see a thought-provoking depiction of equality that can spark meaningful conversations about fairness and human nature. Picture this: a landowner hires workers throughout the day, starting with the early morning shift and bringing more in as the hours go on. When evening comes, they all receive the same wage—one denarius, or about a day’s dollar. The early risers, however, grumble, feeling cheated despite having agreed to their wage. It’s such a relatable moment, isn’t it?
This parable can teach us about deeper concepts related to grace and the human ego. Just like the workers who believed their extended efforts should lead to better pay, we might often think our hard work earns us more respect or reward. Yet, this striking story challenges conventional ideas about merit—hinting that divine grace isn’t based on goodwill charts but something much broader.
This narrative also echoes similar sentiments found throughout scripture! Think of the merciful father in the Prodigal Son parable, showing love equally to both his sons, regardless of their varying paths. Or reflect on the untraditional beats of Jesus’ ministry, where he often praised the least likely people—the overlooked and marginalized. It invites us to connect with concepts of compassion, equality, and grace that can shape a kinder world. Isn’t it fascinating how one rich narrative intertwines with the broader threads of justice woven throughout the Bible?
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