Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

How many silver coins did the woman have in the parable of the lost coin?

One Hundred

Find this question in our The Gospel of Luke Bible Quiz

The answer is: Ten

Luke 15:8

In the Parable of the Lost Coin from Luke 15:8, the woman starts with ten silver coins, also known as drachmas. This coin holds historical significance since it was worth about a day's wages for a laborer during that time! Imagine losing something of that value today—not a fun experience.

This story shines a light on persistent search and the value of what we may sometimes overlook, touching on themes of redemption and worth. It's interesting to note that these coins weren’t just currency—they were part of a headband called the "stola," often worn by women as a sign of their marital status. Losing one could invoke social embarrassment, showing that the loss of the coin was not just a financial concern but also a deeply personal one.

It’s an illustration of God’s relentless pursuit of those who are lost or estranged. And did you know there’s an echo of this parable throughout Scripture? Think of the shepherd leaving his ninety-nine sheep to find the one lost—a prominent motif in many of Jesus' parables.

In both stories, there's celebration at the retrieval of the lost, emphasizing joy and communal participation in such recoveries, leading to reflections on societal relationships. Naming the community’s reaction highlights a dispositive message: out of what we sometimes deem insignificant or trivial comes profound worth and celebration when reconciled.

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