Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

In the parable of the lost sheep how does the shepherd bring the found sheep home?

On a rope
In a cart
On his shoulders
Follows it home

Find this question in our The Gospel of Luke Bible Quiz

The answer is: On his shoulders

Luke 15:5

In the parable of the lost sheep from Luke 15, the vivid imagery serves as a powerful illustration of care and tenderness. Imagine a rugged shepherd navigating through thorny bushes and rocky terrain, lifting the hapless sheep onto his shoulders! This act isn't just about retrieval; it symbolizes a profound connection—his willingness to bear the weight and vulnerability of that lost creature.

What's fascinating here is the cultural context. Sheep were invaluable in this agricultural society. A shepherd risked a lot, spending sleepless nights under the stars, safeguarding their flock. When a sheep wanders, leaving the collective, it’s more than just a numerical loss. It signifies the importance of individual value in any community.

And let's not overlook the way this message resonates deeply within the larger narrative of redemption. This parable is ultimately a testament to grace—often, it reverberates through idea echoes throughout biblical texts, such as when God refers to Israel as the sheep of His pasture in Psalm 79:13.

Even more intriguing is the mention in John 10, where the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. It ties into the overarching theme of sacrifice and protection. Aphoristically, the ‘shoulders’ of the shepherd carry more than flesh; they represent love, commitment, and a pursuit of unity in what might otherwise be lost. By recognizing this as we reflect on the parable, we deepen our understanding of care, grace, and redemption that spans throughout the text.

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