Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What did Peter find with a coin in its mouth?


Find this question in our Peter Bible Quiz

The answer is: Fish

Matt 17:27 - To pay for their taxes

In Matthew 17:24-27, we encounter a rather fascinating and somewhat whimsical instance involving Peter, a fisherman turned follower of Jesus. It almost feels like a reminder of those goldfish tales from childhood, but this one comes with a divine twist! Jesus tells Peter to cast a hook into the sea, and he would find a fish with a coin in its mouth—a miraculous act to help pay the temple tax.

This story isn't just an entertaining miracle but deepens our understanding of responsibility and provision. It brings to mind the greater theme of divine providence where needs are met, sometimes in unexpected ways. Just think about it: Peter, with his past as a simple fisherman, received an extraordinary confirmation that he wasn’t just learning to manage a divine mission but also being supported in his daily needs.

Culturally, paying temple tax was essential for maintaining the Jewish worship practices. The coin found in the fish's mouth was likely a stater, approximating the correct amount needed for two drachmas. It serves as a perfect reminder that sometimes, life's burdens and obligations can seemingly swim their way to resolution.

Fish have an exciting role throughout the Bible—just look at their symbolic representations of abundance and sustenance. They echo stories of Jesus feeding the multitudes or even symbolize the birth of early Christianity with the ichthys (fish symbol). There’s truly depth both under the water and within the narratives!

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