Bible Trivia Question
What's the Answer?
With which parable did Jesus respond when asked by the lawyer "who is my neighbour"?
Workers in the Vineyard
Good Samaritan
Find this question in our The Gospel of Luke Bible Quiz
Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: Good Samaritan
Luke 10:29-37
When the lawyer popped the question "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus didn’t simply give a straightforward answer. Instead, he crafted one of the most famous and heartwarming parables in the Bible—the story of the Good Samaritan. Picture the scene: a lonely traveler, too often a metaphor for us in our own struggles, finds himself battered and broken. As he lays on the roadside, several religious figures step right over him, ignoring his plight. It’s a stark reminder that titles and appearances don’t equal true compassion.
Now, what’s key here is that the hero of the story is a Samaritan, a group often despised by the Jews of Jesus' time. Smack dab in the heart of animosity, this Samaritan shows love and kindness—a bridge built over a divide that many assumed was uncrossable. This lesson screams out against social and cultural prejudices wrapped in pomp and circumstance. Every one of us can recall moments in our lives where we assumed someone was "other" and undeserving in comparison to instead seeking relationship and kinship.
Digging into its layers, this parable inspires purity in action over knowledge alone—reminding us that it's not about who deserves aid, but simply about caring. Moreover, Jesus’s choice of hero shows that compassion can come from the most unlikely sources. So, next time you ponder the question of neighbors, remember that love knows no boundaries.
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