Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What did the lawyer reply when Jesus asked him which one was a neighbour to the man?

The one who didn't pass him by
The one who carried him to safety
The one who tended to his wounds
The one who showed him mercy

Find this question in our The Good Samaritan Bible Quiz

The answer is: The one who showed him mercy

Luke 10 v 37

When Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan, it wasn’t just a compelling story; it showcased a radical idea that broke cultural norms. The "crowd" Jesus spoke to was deeply divided along religious and ethnic lines. The Jewish people of the time often viewed Samaritans as outsiders, even as enemies. So, when the lawyer responds that the one showing mercy was the Samaritan, he acknowledges a remarkable truth.

Let’s dive into the imagery here. The road from Jerusalem to Jericho, where the assaulted man was left, was notorious for banditry. Travelers faced not only physical peril but also the ethical dilemmas of their responses to suffering. The priest and the Levite, instead of helping their fellow Israelite, chose social status over compassion. This reflection on human behavior is timeless and echoes through our own ethical questions today.

A fascinating tidbit is that mercy is often portrayed in the Bible as an attribute of God Himself. It’s easy to see why the Samaritan embodies this concept. By choosing compassion over prejudice, he invites us to consider how our own backgrounds might color our perceptions of "neighbor." Historically speaking, community welfare was an integral facet of life across many ancient cultures, and yet, Jesus uses this story to elevate mercy—a potent force that blurs boundaries. Understanding these echoes deepens not just our biblical literacy but invites us to ponder how we can actively show mercy in our lives every day.

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