Bible Trivia Question
What's the Answer?
What question did Jesus ask the lawyer in return?
What have the priests told you?
What is the most important Law?
What is written in the Law?
Find this question in our The Good Samaritan Bible Quiz
Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: What is written in the Law?
Luke 10 v 26
In the passage where Jesus engages with a lawyer, we're catapulted into a profound challenge about our understanding of love and righteousness. "What is written in the Law?" isn't just a clever answer; it’s a nudge back toward humanity's roots—the very sacred texts that shaped the moral compass of countless generations.
The lawyer's query, "Who is my neighbor?" ignites a story that many might remember for its surprise ending. Jesus transforms an undermined position—the Good Samaritan—as the epitome of neighborly love, demonstrating that virtue isn’t confined by community or heritage but shows up where compassion thrives. Isn’t it fascinating that Jews and Samaritans had quite the history of enmity? Yet, Jesus uses this unlikely hero to flip the script.
Trivia alert: The term "Samaritan" has transcended the Luke 10 tale; it seeps into our everyday language as a synonym for kindness. Past the letter of the law, Jesus artfully incorporates a lesson that resonates—it’s about action, not just recitation of rules. He encourages us to evaluate how we express care beyond the established boundaries; hence, love linked to direct action speaks volumes about one's beliefs.
In this parable, beneath layers of law and custom, we're all painted in shades of neighborliness, all invited to lend a hand despite walk, talk, and background. How might we channel the Good Samaritan's spirit in our world today?
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