Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

When a man said to Jesus, "who is my neighbour?", what parable did Jesus reply with?

The lost coin
The lost sheep
The sower
The good Samaritan

Find this question in our The Ministry of Jesus Bible Quiz

The answer is: The good Samaritan

Luke 10:29-37 - In response to the question about who one's neighbour is, Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan, illustrating that love transcends ethnic and social divides. This story reflects Jesus' radical inclusivity and highlights the importance of mercy, paralleling themes found in Leviticus 19:18 and Matthew 5:44.

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, as found in Luke 10:29-37, Jesus beautifully confronts prejudice and expands the understanding of community. By choosing a Samaritan as the hero—a figure of disdain to many Jewish listeners—Jesus shatters societal labels that separate people. It wasn’t the priest or Levite, who were socially expected to help, but instead an outsider who embodies true compassion. How delightful is that twist!

This story sheds light on the context of Jewish-Samaritan relations during Jesus’ time, marked by hostility. Samaritans tended to have different customs and a distinct belief set, making the choice of their portrayal as the compassionate figure all the more striking and relevant.

Interestingly, themes of neighborly duty echo throughout the Bible. In Leviticus 19:18, we are told to love our neighbor as ourselves—a concept that frames human relationships not just in terms of duty but also genuine love and empathy. Additionally, in Matthew 5:44, Jesus emphasizes love for enemies, which aligns perfectly with this deeper call to embrace all humanity, regardless of background.

What’s even more fascinating is how this parable has infiltrated our language. The term "Good Samaritan" has taken on a life of its own, often used to describe any act of kindness towards others, particularly strangers in need. Thus, the impact of this story reaches beyond ancient Palestine, influencing countless lives even today.

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