Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Jesus told a story about two men who went to pray in the temple. One was a Pharisee, what was the other man?

A Roman centurion
A Sadducee
A publican
A fisherman

Find this question in our The Pharisees and Sadducees Bible Quiz

The answer is: A publican

Luke 18:10-14 - This parable highlights the contrast between self-righteousness and humility in prayer. The Pharisee’s arrogance reflects a common criticism Jesus had for religious leaders, while the publican's repentance exemplifies true humility. Interestingly, tax collectors were often despised, yet they found favour in God's eyes, underscoring His mercy.

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That he was not sinful like other men
For his family and friends
That he was able to keep God's law daily
For all his material possessions

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Twice a week
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Once a month
Once a week

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