Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What did the disciples do when people brought their young children to Jesus?

They rebuked them
They welcomed them
They gave them food
They baptised them

Find this question in our The 12 Disciples of Jesus Bible Quiz

The answer is: They rebuked them

Luke 18:15

In Luke 18:15, we see a moment where the disciples, often perceived as the core followers of Jesus, take on a rather directive role when young children are brought to him. Their reaction, rebuking the parents, may come off as surprising considering Jesus’s profound teachings on love, acceptance, and care for the meek. Simple in its nature, this scene reveals a deeper layer regarding the cultural context of children during biblical times.

In the ancient world, children were often seen as unimportant and somewhat disruptive, and it was generally assumed that they should be kept away from important figures. However, Jesus makes a bold statement by welcoming the children, insisting that the Kingdom of God indeed belongs to such as these (Luke 18:16-17). This beckons us to rethink how we view those who are often marginalized or overlooked in society — whether they be children, the poor, or the different.

In fact, this moment echoes earlier biblical texts, which often emphasize the idea of God’s favor resting on the humble and lowly. For instance, Psalm 148 speaks of how even infants and nursing babes can proclaim God's praise. So, next time you think of the Twelve disciples, remember that sometimes they reflect human flaws, simple misunderstandings against a bigger, shining truth — that everyone holds value in the fabric of community, especially those deemed least among us.

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