Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What was the name of the young man who fell out of the window during one of Paul's speeches?


Find this question in our Acts of the Apostles Bible Quiz

The answer is: Eutychus

Acts 20:9 - Eutychus, a young man of Troas.

Eutychus's story in Acts 20:9 is a unique glimpse into the world of early Christian gatherings. Here we have a young man who takes a literal plunge—albeit away from the grace of divine sleep and straight down from a third-story window during an extended sermon by Paul! The humor in this situation reminds us that even in the midst of serious discussions or spiritual teachings, life can surprise you—and sometimes in unexpected ways.

In Troas, the setting of this incident, worship likely took place in private homes, indicative of the early Christian community’s informal gatherings. Eutychus—whose name intriguingly means "fortunate" in Greek—suddenly finds himself receiving anything but good fortune when he drops to the ground. Thankfully, Paul responds swiftly with miraculous intervention, restoring Eutychus to life. And this wasn't just a shrug it off moment—imagine getting back up and continuing the conversation over supper afterward!

Moreover, this account showcases the human side of the proponents of faith, like Paul, reminding us that even spiritual leaders were very much part of ordinary life. Their gatherings had their share of distracted listeners, just like any contemporary meeting or church service might today. Life was unexpectedly lively back then!

Forever tied to this story, Eutychus remains an enduring symbol of resilience and the ever-present possibility of restoration—whether spiritual or physical—which resonates through biblical texts. Such moments create ripples throughout scripture, revealing themes of perseverance, community, and ongoing fellowship.

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