Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What did Jesus tell the twelve to shake off their feet if people refused to hear the gospel message?


Find this question in our The Gospel of Mark Bible Quiz

The answer is: Dust

Mark 6:11

In Mark 6:11, when Jesus instructs the disciples to shake off the dust from their feet, it’s a powerful symbol steeped in cultural significance. In the ancient Jewish world, shaking off dust was an act of separation. When someone from Israel stepped into foreign territory or visited Gentiles, they would shake off the dust upon returning, representing a deliberate decision to leave behind the impurities or unwelcoming attitudes of those places.

Now, here’s an interesting tidbit: that act wasn't just about the dirt—they were also guessing what might come next! It was a sign of judgment, indicating that those who rejected the gospel message were distancing themselves from the blessings of community and faith. Beyond that, this scene underscores the idea that the message Jesus represents is meant for all, but each individual has the choice to embrace or reject it.

Moreover, throughout the Gospels, we see similar echoes of rejection and the invitation to wider horizons. Think of Paul, who later filled the role of spreading the message far and wide among Gentiles! This dust-shaking lesson was not merely about rejection but also a call for discipleship that involves missions into diverse territories—tackling beliefs that were foreign yet rich in possibility. The act of shaking off dust is both a closure of an unfruitful exchange and an exciting invitation into fresh opportunities, reminding us to persist in sharing understanding, joy, and love wherever we go!

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