Bible Trivia Question
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Who did an angel say that Cornelius should send for?
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Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: Peter
Acts 10:3-5
In the book of Acts, we encounter Prophet Cornelius, a centurion described as devout and generous, yet a Gentile uncommon in the beloved Jewish community. His encounter with the angel vividly illustrates how God's message transcends cultural and ethnic boundaries. Cornelius is instructed to send for Peter, an apostle of Christ well-versed in Judaism.
Now, why Peter? Well, Jesus had a particular fondness for Peter, often seen as a foundation stone for the early church. Rock-solid Peter! His call to image God’s inclusiveness appears strikingly where walls of division once stood. The fact that an angel delivers this instruction emphasizes the weight and divine origin of the message. Angels, both fascinating and mysterious, feature throughout the Bible, acting as messengers—both to announce heavenly decrees and administer God’s truths.
Interestingly, Cornelius held a significant status, and historically many Gentile converts were met with skepticism from early Christians. However, Peter’s encounter at Cornelius’ home would eventually alter the course of Christian outreach, illustrating that hospitality and openness could be vessels of divine revelation.
In essence, Cornelius’ story in Acts highlights that God's call extends to all who seek Him, ushering the early church into a realm of inclusion and acceptance. While Cornelius was a notable figure due to his position, his heart, in alignment with divine virtues, made him an essential character paving the pathway for spread of the faith beyond Jerusalem's walls.
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