Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

For how many shekels of silver was Joseph sold to the Ishmaelites?


Find this question in our Genesis Bible Quiz

The answer is: 20

Gen 37:28

In Genesis 37:28, the intriguing story of Joseph takes a dramatic turn as he is sold to the Ishmaelites for just 20 shekels of silver. This amount may not seem substantial compared to modern values, but it symbolizes a pivotal moment of betrayal among family. Isn’t it fascinating how silver, often linked to betrayal in biblical narratives, establishes a grim tone in this tale? Think of Judas, who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

Joseph's sale reveals the treachery not only of his brothers but also serves as an instrumental heartbeat within the broader narrative. This event leads Joseph down a tumultuous pathway from the depths of a pit to the heights of Egyptian power, illustrating that sometimes, what seems like a setback opens the door to unprecedented opportunities.

Additionally, Joseph ends up interpreting dreams for Pharaoh, further underscoring a reoccurring biblical pattern where individuals faced with difficulty later rise to notable positions of influence. Fun fact: the Salt of the Earth concept, signifying worth or importance, can be linked to how society during biblical times valued exchange and transactions like Joseph's sale.

So the tale of Joseph is packed with both treachery and triumph, reminding readers how low points can traverse into transformative highs. It captivates the timeless message of hope and redemption that resonates well through scriptures and humanity’s continuing journey. And it also brings a sense of weight to the phrase, "what goes around comes around."

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