Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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For how many shekels of silver was Joseph sold to the Ishmaelites?


Find this question in our Genesis Bible Quiz

The answer is: 20

Gen 37:28

In the gripping story of Joseph, sold into slavery by his brothers, the figure of 20 shekels of silver comes into play with powerful implications. This sum offers fascinating insight into the ancient world and economy. In biblical times, shekels were not just currency; they symbolized value, weighing elements of worth both materially and morally. When Joseph’s brothers struck this deal, they essentially traded their brother's future for what amounted to about the price of a slave (based on the context and valuations of that historical period).

Beyond the monetary value, it shines a light on family dynamics and jealousy taken to shocking extremes. Here was young Joseph, favored by his father Jacob, wearing that famous coat of many colors, who found himself on the receiving end of such betrayal. Later throughout the Bible, the story of taking money to facilitate betrayal echoes through narratives — consider Judas receiving thirty pieces of silver for betraying Jesus, displaying a stark resemblance to Joseph’s story of envy and familial strife.

Another interesting tidbit is that shekel as a unit of weighted measure was often used throughout the region, making its mention not just about currency, but a connection to one’s integrity and ethics toward life and community. The act of selling Joseph was a dangerous precedent for any family—trading love and trust for profit has colossal consequences, often leading to long-sowing acts of shame and redemption.

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