Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."

Children in market
Rich man and Lazarus
Great physician
Pharisee and tax collector

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The answer is: Great physician

Matt 9:10-13

In this passage, Jesus famously declares himself the "great physician," highlighting a profound truth—the core of his mission is not to uphold strict traditions or rituals but to extend compassion and forgiveness. The quote "I desire mercy, and not sacrifice," comes from the Old Testament, specifically Hosea 6:6, and reveals God’s heart for humanity.

Interesting enough, Hosea ministered during a time of rampant injustice, emphasizing that a truly faithful life begins with mercy rather than mere ritualistic practices. Compassion was meant to trump animal sacrifices, which may give us a little insight into God's preferred actions from humanity.

When Jesus sat and dined with tax collectors and sinners, it showcased his radical embrace of those who were usually shunned. This not only included the marginalized but also pointed to the transformative power of compassion. Tax collectors, often seen as traitors for collecting Rome's taxes, found hope through Jesus’ acknowledgement of their humanity.

Moreover, this interaction hints at Jesus’s bold challenge to societal norms—making his loving outreach a tangible reminder of grace for all, regardless of their chosen paths. To ponder this theme of mercy throughout the Bible broadens one’s understanding of how divine love is all-encompassing. It seems that mercy grows more powerful when it gets tangled up with another's struggles—and what's more powerful than that for building connections of acceptance and love?

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