Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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In whose house did Jesus dine with publicans and sinners?


Find this question in our The Gospel of Mark Bible Quiz

The answer is: Levi

Mark 2:14-15

In the Gospel of Mark, dining with publicans and sinners emphasizes a recurring theme: Jesus's radical inclusivity. Levi, also known as Matthew the tax collector, was an unexpected choice due to his job's stigma; tax collectors were often despised by society, seen as corrupt and traitors to their own people.

When Jesus chose to have dinner at Levi’s home, He wasn’t just breaking bread; He was effectively shattering social barriers that kept different classes of society apart. Interestingly, Jesus’s choice of companions during this meal illustrates the transformative nature of His ministry—He sought to uplift those marginalized by society, inviting them into a relationship with God, away from rules and judgment.

It's fascinating to note that eating together in the first century was more than sustaining oneself; it was a statement! Sharing a meal was a sign of acceptance and unity. Imagine the surprise of the Pharisees upon seeing lots of different “sinners” sharing table! This reflects back onto numerous old testament themes, found in passages like Isaiah 55, where the weary are invited to come, eat, and drink freely.

Moreover, this moment in Mark foreshadows a larger narrative of redemption and redemption, which plays out through the gospels, where Jesus often models against the prevailing expectations of His culture. So, every time we consider this occasion, let's remember how open-hearted Jesus was, echoing a comforting principle: everyone is worthy of love, community, and connection!

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