Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Whose house did Paul go to in Caesaera?


Find this question in our Paul's Missionary Journeys Bible Quiz

The answer is: Philip

Acts 21:8

When Paul arrived in Caesarea, he dropped by the home of Philip, who is famously known as Philip the Evangelist. This was no ordinary happy hour; Philip was one of the original seven deacons appointed in Acts 6, and he later played key roles in spreading the gospel beyond Jewish communities, particularly to the Samaritans and even to a prominent Ethiopian official.

What’s intriguing is that Philip’s legacy extended through his daughters, whom Acts points out were prophetesses. That makes home gatherings at Philip's place quite fascinating sparkling with theological discussions and prescient revelations about the future! Philip's household provides a remarkable glimpse into the early church function—a mingling of familial, prophetic, and evangelistic ministry, all aimed at transcending cultural barriers.

Here’s a quirky piece of trivia: Philip’s Ministry following his deaconship classifies him as an early missionary too; he didn’t just manage collections, he went out into the world. Quite the multitasker, wouldn't you say? And how’s this for connection? The fifteenth chapter of the Gospel of John echoes missionary journeys by teaching the value of remaining connected—“I am the vine; you are the branches.” Just like those branches, Paul certainly wasn’t working alone. The synergy within early Christian communities was powerful, turning prophetic homes into epicenters for spreading teachings far and wide. So, every visit Paul made, including to Philip, had the potential to spark renewed faith and action!

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