Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

When there was no water to drink, how did Moses provide it?

From his rod
From a rock
From a fleshy plant
From earthen jars

Find this question in our The Exodus Bible Quiz

The answer is: From a rock

Exo 17:1-7

Imagine the scene: the Israelites, weary and parched after wandering through the desert, find themselves at a place called Rephidim, where there’s not a drop of water. Here we meet a pivotal moment in Moses' leadership and faith. Instead of turning to despair, the people complain, telling Moses they wished they had never left Egypt. In response to their cries, God tells Moses to strike a rock with his staff, and from it, fresh water pours forth.

This miracle of water from a rock isn't just about quenching thirst. It’s rich in symbolism and foreshadows deeper themes found throughout the Bible. You might remember in the New Testament, Paul refers to Christ as the "spiritual rock" that followed the Israelites, underscoring the idea that divine sustenance can come from unexpected places.

Fun fact: Ancient Near Eastern cultures also held the belief that live-giving water could emerge from rocks, often associated with specific deities. However, in this biblical instance, the act directly emphasizes monotheism—the power of a singular God providing for His people, without relying on statues or idols.

Moreover, the rock-striking event speaks to the importance of obedience. Moses did as instructed, highlighting a strong faith against the backdrop of collective doubt—reminding readers today that hope can flourish even in harsh circumstances. This moment becomes a lasting testament to the bond between leader and people and serves to illustrate that divine help can spring forth amid our hardest trials.

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