Bible Trivia Question
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When God helped Joshua destroy Jericho, the priests played harps while marching around the city walls
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Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: False
Joshua 6 - They blew trumpets
Joshua's conquest of Jericho is one of the most exciting stories in the Bible. Picture it: the Israelites marching around the formidable city walls armed not with swords, but instead, with faith, trumpets, and a whole lot of trust in God! It wasn't the soothing sound of harps that filled the air but the resounding blares of impressive trumpets signaling reverence and action.
Gathering the Israelites, Joshua followed very distinct instructions given by God. For six days, they marched around Jericho once each day while the priests carried the Ark of the Covenant, which represented God's presence among them. On the seventh day, not only did they circle Jericho seven times—creating an atmosphere of anticipation and maybe even confusion— but they let the trumpets blare and shouted with joy. And, voilá! The walls crumbled.
Interestingly, this event is seen as symbolic of spiritual victory over obstacles and the power of faith, echoing throughout Israel's journey. The number seven is significant—it's a repeated theme throughout the Bible representing completion and divine perfection. Another trivia nugget? The city is likened to a type of spiritual stronghold or barrier in many teachings, reminding us how faith can conquer the toughest challenges life throws our way. Isn't that just a neat reminder of the power of community, belief, and trust? It's not always about swords and weapons but about perseverance, togetherness, and celebration even before the victory appears!
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