Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What natural phenomenon helped Joshua defeat the Amorites?


Find this question in our The Book of Joshua Bible Quiz

The answer is: Hailstones

Josh 10:11

In the thrilling account of Joshua's battle against the Amorites, we see nature's dramatic intervention in the form of hailstones falling from the sky. While it might sound like something straight out of an action-packed movie, this event carries profound significance. In Joshua 10:11, it’s noted that the hailstones decimated the enemy, while God's people emerged victorious. This is just one of the many examples in the Bible where divine intervention changes the course of events in highly unexpected ways.

Interestingly, hail is typically not a common weapon of choice in warfare, but it’s associated with God's sovereign might. This association echoes back to earlier narratives, such as the plagues in Egypt, where another form of divine havoc aimed to demonstrate strength over oppression. Weather phenomena in Scripture often serve as markers of divine communication—Moses parts the Red Sea, Elijah calls down fire, and here, hailstorm acts as God's hand on behalf of Joshua and Israel.

For trivia buffs, did you know that ancient scientists believed severe weather could reflect deity activity? It reminds us that, even from an ancient perspective, people viewed natural events as having spiritual implications—sometimes the heart of matters transcended mere physical battles.

Moreover, the phrase from Joshua, “Sun, stand still over Gibeon!” (v. 12) captures the imagination. Both events intertwine as indicators of Joshua's incredible faith. Together, they point not just to ancient strategy, but to a deeper understanding of the relationship between humanity and the cosmos, beckoning curiosity in how we view the forces of nature today.

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