Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Under the law, when laying siege to a city, what natural food source was to be spared from destruction?

Fruit trees
Crop fields

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The answer is: Fruit trees

Deut 20:19-20

When you dive into Deuteronomy 20:19-20, it's fascinating to note the emphasis placed on fruit trees during times of conflict. The instructions to spare these natural food sources highlight a remarkable ecological wisdom present in ancient Israelite law. Rather than ravaging the land entirely, the Israelites were told to respect the food-bearing trees. This decision promotes sustainability—a concept that resonates even more deeply in today's world, where environmental concerns are crucial.

Interestingly, the guidelines also serve a practical purpose. Siege warfare could result in extended periods without proper supplies. By protecting fruit trees, an attacking nation ensured that they could harvest the bounty once the battle was concluded, providing necessary nourishment for their troops or newly settled inhabitants. Plus, these trees symbolize potential future growth and restitution, hinting at a future of peace rather than perpetual conflict.

It's also worth noting how fruit trees serve as metaphoric echoes throughout the scriptures, often representing life, vitality, and divine blessing. In both the Old and the New Testaments, they remind us that while harsh strategies may be at hand, the journey of life thrives on care and nurturing. Remember the Parable of the Fig Tree? It was all about tending what's valuable, much like those sparing decisions in wartime. Throughout its pages, the Bible advocates for the protection of what nurtures and makes life flourishing.

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