Bible Trivia Question
What's the Answer?
(Times that the priests walked round Jericho) multiplied by (plagues upon Egypt)
Find this question in our Bible Maths I Bible Quiz
Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: 130
(Joshua 6:11-15) x (Exodus 7-12) = (13) x (10) = 130
What an intriguing calculation! The story of the Israelites marching around Jericho is such a fascinating piece of biblical history. In Joshua 6, we discover the unique strategy devised by God for taking down this heavily fortified city. Picture the scene: the priests, with the Ark of the Covenant, lead the people in a solemn but spirited procession around Jericho daily for six days, and then on the seventh day, they make an impressive seven laps. It’s this final, amplified effort that leads to the gran finale – the walls come crashing down, paving the way for Israel's victory.
Now, combining this with the ten plagues upon Egypt, which were meant to showcase the authority of God and serve as warnings against Pharaoh’s defiance, reveals an overarching theme of divine intervention and deliverance. These plagues included everything from turned water to blood to swarms of locusts, building anticipation for the liberation of the Israelites from their years of slavery.
Interestingly enough, the number ‘130’ also draws connections elsewhere in the Bible. In the timeline of Abraham's descendants, for example, we encounter towering figures like Jacob, who lived to 147, and Joseph, who was granted a collective lifespan of 110 years. However, it is in these distinct numbers that we uncover deeper truths of perseverance and faith across generations.
So, whether counting plagues or priestly marches, these stories beautifully intertwine, reminding us that increasingly collective efforts toward faith can lead to significant turning points in our lives!
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