Bible Trivia Question
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Who wounded the man travelling between the two cities?
Roman Centurion
Find this question in our The Good Samaritan Bible Quiz
Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: Thieves
Luke 10 v 30
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, a man is brutally attacked on his journey from Jerusalem to Jericho, a treacherous 18-mile trek known for its steep terrain and the likelihood of lurking bandits. This context makes the traveler’s plight even more poignant. The thieves symbolize the very real dangers of that time and highlight the vulnerability of travelers.
Interestingly, this parable isn’t just about the incident but also serves as a critical commentary on how different people react to suffering. The priest and Levite, respected religious figures, pass by the injured man without helping him, suggesting that mere religious status does not equate to goodness or kindness. In a way, they represent missed opportunities for compassion in everyday life.
Then we have the Samaritan—someone from a group that Jewish audiences generally despised—who exceeds the expectations of sympathy by tending to the wounded man. This twist reveals a profound truth: true neighborliness transcends boundaries of ethnicity, creed, or social standing. It invites us to reflection: do we turn away from those in need, or do we extend a hand?
Interestingly, the word "Samaritan" has transcended time and culture to become shorthand for anyone who helps others in need. It denotes an everlasting legacy of compassion and humility that speaks to the best parts of human kindness—a heartwarming reminder of our capacity for good amidst a world that can sometimes seem at odds with that imperative.
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