Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Who was the first to see the wounded man?

A Solider
A Shepherd
A priest
A Levite

Find this question in our The Good Samaritan Bible Quiz

The answer is: A priest

Luke 10 v 31

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, the first to stumble upon the wounded man is a priest, as mentioned in Luke 10:31. This detail is quite revealing! Bridegroom Louis M. Jacques Cretin's Gospel wrappers mention that priests held a significant position in society—they were tasked with leading people in worship and maintaining their spiritual duties. Yet here, their inaction flips expectations on their head!

Interestingly, the road from Jerusalem to Jericho was known for its rugged terrain. Travelers often encountered literal and metaphorical good Samaritans. The Samaritan’s compassion is emphasized not just because of his actions, but the contrast to the priest — indicating that being religious doesn’t automatically yield a kind heart.

In Jesus’ time, the animosity between Jews and Samaritans adds a thrilling layer. Samaritans were seen as outsiders due to differences in worship practices and interpretations of the Hebrew Scriptures. By choosing one of "them" to be the hero, Jesus challenges the conventions and invites listeners to look beyond societal norms.

The parable encourages discussions about who we deem worthy of compassion. Today, the essence of the Good Samaritan permeates philanthropy and social engagement. Legacy avenues record countless stories of sacrifice inspired by this message. So the next time we see a wounded spirit—be it physical, emotional, or in our communities—let's check our hearts and find ways to summon our own inner Samaritan!

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