Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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What was taken off and handed over to signify the agreement between Boaz and the kinsman?


Find this question in our Ruth Bible Quiz

The answer is: Sandal

Ruth 4:7-8

In the Book of Ruth, the rather curious act of passing a sandal certainly captures our attention. When you think about agreements today, you might picture handshakes or signing contracts, but back in ancient Israel, removing a sandal carried its weighty significance. It symbolized the act of walking away from a right or property, essentially relinquishing one's claim. This trade of footwear among Boaz, Ruth, and the unnamed kinsman confirms the new chain of ownership—to include not just Ruth, but also the family legacy tied to her deceased husband.

You might find it interesting that sandals appear throughout the Bible as powerful symbols. For instance, when God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, He instructed him to remove his sandals to signify the sacredness of the ground—the introduction to something extraordinary! And here too, we see a spiritual dimension—a transfer of care and love that drives Boaz’s actions.

Notably, this poignant moment transpires at the city gate—a bustling place often likened to a courtroom, where legal matters were settled. It was more than just business; commitments and familial responsibilities were underscored. Ruth’s incorporation into Israelite society, her position as a matriarch through her future son, Obed, birthed key generational lines, including King David's. The sandal, wrapped in rarity, becomes a powerful reminder of faithfulness, redemption, and community bonds—all beautifully intertwined in this enchanting tale!

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