Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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For how many days did darkness cover the land of Egypt during the plagues?


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The answer is: 3

Exo 10:22

When it comes to the plagues of Egypt, darkness isn’t just an absence of light; it symbolizes despair, oppression, and divine judgment. The darkness reported in Exodus 10:22 lasted for three whole days, and it was no ordinary dark—scripture describes it as “thick darkness” that could be felt. Now, that’s some serious humidity of gloom!

This was the ninth of the ten plagues—a powerful spectacle fitting just before the last and most devastating plague: the death of the firstborn. It served as a direct challenge to the sun god Ra, who was worshipped by ancient Egyptians and considered to be the source of all light and life. The absence of light was a profound statement.

Interestingly, this idea of darkness arises elsewhere in countless cultures as a symbol of divine forsakenness enlightened by contrasting moments of revelation and guidance. Of related note, messengers and miraculous scenarios are often accompanied by profound events of darkness throughout the Bible, making it a recurrent theme.

Additionally, it’s striking that despite the oppressive aura of that darkness, the Israelites remained in light—a reminder of how endurance and faith often stand firm amidst a shadowy world around us. So, it's not just about the empirical fact of the darkness; it's about its deeper significance foreshadowing liberation and the tension between judgment and hope that reverberates throughout biblical narratives.

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