Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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Which king used a pen knife to destroy God's word?


Find this question in our Kings of the Bible II Bible Quiz

The answer is: Jehoiakim

Jeremiah 36:23

Ah, King Jehoiakim—a figure steeped in controversy! Known for arrogance and defiance, he took an extraordinary stand against God’s message. Picture the scene: as Jeremiah’s prophetic scroll was read aloud, recorded God’s unwavering commands, Jehoiakim only saw it as fodder for his knife. As he sliced through the scroll, verse by verse, he not only demonstrated contempt for divine authority but also showcased a profound misunderstanding of the power of the word.

Interestingly, this moment in history broadcasts a timeless truth: attempting to erase God’s message did not and cannot erase its influence. Even while Jehoiakim thought he had reclaimed control over his narrative, God's will continued to manifest through the prophets. What foreshadowing of futility!

While many kings came and went, Jehoiakim's choices brought him downfall and eventual extrication from power. He was not the first monarch to underestimate the written word, which has outlived countless attempts to stifle it, echoing through the ages.

In rabbinic tradition, this tale serves as a reminder that God's message lives on, often in unpredictable ways. Humanity's efforts to edit divinity seem fruitless, for the essence of those words is woven into the very fabric of faith's continuum—encouraging followers to dig deeper rather than trim the edges.

So whenever we clutch the scriptures in our hands, let’s remember that each word has historical weight, echoing the same message that transcended time and conquer didn’t lid every ear to eternal wisdom.

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