Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What should the Israelites not destroy when they besiege a city?

Conies and deer
Surrounding farm villages
Sheaves of corn
Trees for meat

Find this question in our Deuteronomy Bible Quiz

The answer is: Trees for meat

Deut 20:19-20

When the Israelites found themselves besieging a city in ancient times, they faced a crucial question about how to treat the land around them. Surprisingly, among all the destruction, they were specifically instructed to spare trees that could bear fruit. This ancient wisdom reveals a profound care for sustainability and stewardship of God's creations. The mental picture here is striking: in the heat of war, they were asked to consider the long-term impacts of their actions, ensuring enough resources for future generations.

This directive highlights an early example of environmental responsibility! Imagine if all nations today took a cue from this ancient text and remembered the importance of preserving their natural surroundings. Generally, non-fruitful trees were fair game, but the fruitful ones? Those were to be protected like hidden treasures, providing sustenance not just for the present, but foreshadowing future harvests.

Interestingly, Hebrew narratives often echo back the themes of restraint and preservation seen in these laws. Nature and its bounty are woven deeply into the broader tapestry of scripture; many parables and teachings refer to cultivating a fruitful land—like the Parable of the Sower. The fruits subsequently became iconic symbols of the nurturing aspect of vigilant leadership: leaders who, rather than pillaging and hurrying toward conquest, should instead reflect on the legacy they leave behind. Thus, this small detail carries immense weight in how we understand progress and respect for God’s creation. Who knew a tree could tell such a profound story?

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