Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Which king had James executed and Peter arrested?

Herod Archelaus
Herod Agrippa
Herod Philip
Herod Antipas

Find this question in our Peter Bible Quiz

The answer is: Herod Agrippa

Acts 12:1-3 - Grandson of Herod the Great

In the tricky landscape of biblical history, Herod Agrippa stands out as a powerful figure in the early church narrative. He was the grandson of Herod the Great, infamous for his role in the massacre of infants in Bethlehem during Jesus' birth. By the time of Peter and James, Agrippa held sway over Judea and made his mark like a dramatic villain in a story.

In Acts 12, we see him cut right to the chase — "business as usual” mean executing one of Jesus’ disciples, James the Greater, to please a restless audience. His tactics were shrouded in fear and popularity, demonstrating that even in religious matters, political pressure could steer decisions. Following this hostility, he swiftly moves on to arrest Peter, the rock upon whom Jesus built His church.

This period was fraught with persecutions against followers of Christ, setting a precedent for the struggles to come. It's interesting to note how Agrippa’s actions say a lot about the volatile intersection of faith and power starkly observed throughout history. Eventually, Agrippa’s downfall follows in Acts 12:21-23, ironically reflecting the biblical principle that pride goes before a fall.

The biblical echoes of power and change culminate in the fact that despite persecution, the faith and community of those early Christians found ways to flourish and spread, illustrating the profound resilience of belief in tumultuous times. Shreeps noteworthy is that literally and metaphorically, the darkness of imprisonment for Peter contrasted sharply with the vigor of faith that flickered and glowed in his spirit, demonstrating that hope often arises in the most challenging circumstances.

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