Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What was the name of James and John's father?


Find this question in our Characters in the Gospels Bible Quiz

The answer is: Zebedee

Mark 3:16

Zebedee, the father of James and John, seems like a pretty regular guy, but he played a pivotal role in the life of two future apostles. In Mark 3:16, we see him mentioned simply as “Zebedee,” serving as a connection in the genealogy and life story that surrounded these two key figures in the early Christian movement.

The fishing business that Zebedee presumably ran on the shores of the Sea of Galilee was quite possibly thriving, given that James and John left their nets to follow Jesus (Matthew 4:21-22). Now, if these two were such successful fishermen, you can bet Zebedee had quite a few stories of great catches and choppy seas!

Interestingly, Zebedee could serve as a representation of ordinary people caught up in extraordinary events. While he may not have walked alongside Jesus directly, the direct influence he had on his sons can’t be understated. Besides being a father, he also symbolizes the generational faith that's essential in many families. Later, the nickname for John, “the beloved disciple,” blankets his upbringing, and one can only imagine some heartfelt conversations happening with dear old Dad.

Fun fact—there’s some speculation that Zebedee’s household was quite aligned with Jesus' mission since James and John were actually among the inner circle, frequently mentioned in significant moments throughout the Gospels. Their calling shows how someone ordinary can play an extraordinary role in history!

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