Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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Who else came to visit Jesus?


Find this question in our The Birth of Jesus (I) Bible Quiz

The answer is: Shepherds

Luke 2:15

Imagine the scene on that first Christmas night—a heavenly choir breaking the stillness, proclaiming peace and joy! The shepherds, humble protectors of the flock detested by the elite, are the first visitors to witness the miraculous birth of Jesus. It’s a beautiful twist that the angel chose them, often viewed as the outcasts of society. This underlines a powerful theme: God's messages and miracles often come to those we least expect. It reflects a comforting truth that divine grace reaches everyone, regardless of social status.

Fun fact: Did you know that shepherds had a unique role in Judaism? While they were seen as reliable workers, their testimony was often undervalued. It’s fascinating to think how God flipped the script; these very shepherds became the first evangelists of the Good News. Traveling from the fields to Bethlehem, they likely shared excited whispers of their surreal encounter with the angels, setting off a wave of curiosity among those they spoke to.

Moreover, while shepherds are mentioned prominently in Luke, it echoes the symbolic use of shepherds throughout Scripture. Think of the Psalmist calling God the Shepherd of the people (Psalm 23), or Jesus, who declared Himself the Good Shepherd (John 10:11). So the next time you think of that iconic nativity scene, remember that it’s not just the child in the manger that draws our attention, but also the quiet, yet profound roles played by the unexpected guests who first recognized Him.

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