Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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What is the first jewel to be listed that was on the high priest's breast plate?


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The answer is: Sardius

Ex 28:17

When we talk about the high priest’s breastplate, we're stepping into a world bursting with symbolism and significance! The first jewel listed is the sardius, often depicted as a fiery red stone. Not only does this beautifully colored gem shine at the forefront of the breastplate—composed of twelve stones representing the twelve tribes of Israel—but it’s also the beginning of a heavenly message.

Where does the sardius fit into the bigger picture? It's intriguingly named in some ancient translations as "carnelian." This fact underscores its deep, red warmth, often symbolizing vitality, protection, and even passions, illustrating qualities suited to a leader like the high priest. He was to carry the weight of the people’s prayers and needs, and the sardius could be seen as a joyful reminder of the exuberant spirit of life.

Plus, let's not ignore the sound of how those stones shimmered and glinted! Jewish tradition teaches that each stone corresponded not only to a tribe of Israel but also represented various human qualities and divine attributes—talk about a multi-layered masterpiece!

Interestingly, the whole setup of the priestly garments leads us back to the themes of connection and intercession. The sardius, sitting prominently, reminds us of Aaron’s vital role as a mediator between the Israelites and the divine. Through him, the people could articulate their hopes and tribulations, just as we find ways to seek connection and purpose in our lives today. Keep track of this jewel as a fascinating thread in the rich tapestry of spiritual practice!

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