Bible Trivia Question
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Whose donkey could see angel in the road, but he could not?
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Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: Balaam
Num 22:21-31
The story of Balaam and his talking donkey is one of the more unusual narratives in the Bible, filled with lessons about awareness, obedience, and divine intervention. Balaam, a non-Israelite prophet, gets hired by Balak, king of Moab, to curse the Israelites who were advancing into his territory. Yet, it's the donkey, often sidelined in this tale, that sees an angel of the Lord blocking their path while Balaam is completely oblivious.
Isn't it intriguing that Balaam, despite his status as a prophet, fails to see the divine presence? This moment can remind us that insight and understanding are not guaranteed by wisdom or power. Sometimes, those we see as underestimated, like the donkey, can enlighten us in ways we wouldn’t expect. Remarkably, it's the donkey, in a moment of extraordinary narration, speaks up after being struck by Balaam for failing to obey him.
An ancient Jewish interpretation even plays with these themes, considering the convert and their gentle wisdom compared to those engulfed in dogmatic adherence to authority figures. Furthermore, Balaam's journey has echoes in the New Testament when Peter, in his second letter, speaks of "the error of Balaam," using him as a proverbial warning of greed and disobedience. This accentuates the idea that remaining open to divine truth can come from the most unexpected sources, encouraging humility in our journey of faith.
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