Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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Josiah reinstated the Passover holy day, but since whose days had a Passover like it not been seen?


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The answer is: Judges

2 Kings 23:22

Ah, the vibrant story of Josiah, a king who embraced tradition with zeal! When he reinstated the Passover in his reign, it’s like hitting the ‘refresh’ button on a forgotten celebration. This was no ordinary Passover; it was noted that “never had such a Passover been observed since the days of the judges.” This highlights a significant era in Israel's history when leaders like Deborah, Gideon, and Samson guided the Israelites through tumultuous times—periods marked by cycles of faith and rebellion.

For context, the Passover commemorates the Exodus, when the Israelites were delivered from slavery in Egypt. Josiah’s revival of this sacred festival was not just about tradition; it revealed his sincere commitment to unify His people under a renewed sense of faith and identity.

Fun fact: The term "Passover" comes from the event of God "passing over" the homes of the Israelites during the final plague in Egypt, sparing them while the Egyptians faced the judgment. In years to come, this event would fundament ally shape Jewish identity and traditions.

Josiah’s enthusiasm set a precedent and generated good vibes throughout the kingdom, influencing communal worship and the deepening of faith among his people. His efforts served as a vibrant reminder that even in the series of ups and downs, a return to roots and reverent observance can ignite a people's spirit and revitalize their bond with the divine. The echoes of such events ripple through the scriptures, reinforcing the timeless pursuit of remembrance and connection.

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