Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Who was the mother of John the Baptist?


Find this question in our John the Baptist Bible Quiz

The answer is: Elisabeth

Luke 1:57-60 - Of the daughters of Aaron

Elisabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, had a remarkable story that intertwines divine promise and human hope. Being a daughter of Aaron, of priestly lineage, Elisabeth’s association with temple life added significant weight to John’s eventual calling as a prophetic figure. Just think, she and Zechariah were advanced in age, yet their joy bubbled over with the miraculous news of a child’s birth—an awe-inspiring twist of fate, since they had long been without children.

Here's a fascinating aspect to modern celebrations surrounding John; many programs today dive into the life and ministry of John, pointing out his vital announcement of the coming Messiah and how he personified humility. When reflecting on his calling, it's heartening to observe that momentous figures of faith like John often arose from seemingly ordinary circumstances—Elisabeth, a faithful woman, and Zechariah, an average priest, stepped onto the stage of sacred history.

Moreover, the story of Elisabeth hints at a universal theme—the hope for new beginnings and transformation. Just as she cared for her child destined to prepare the way, people around the globe celebrate new journeys, embarking on paths that speak to changes in their own lives. Isn’t it fascinating how the parables of yesterday echo in our experiences today? Every personal story is maybe its own version of Elisabeth’s prophecy-filled joy!

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