Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Which gospel was written by a tax collector?


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The answer is: Matthew

Used to be known as Levi before being called by Jesus.

Isn’t it fascinating that one of Jesus’ closest followers hailed from such an unlikely profession? Matthew, originally known as Levi, was a tax collector – someone often viewed with disdain and considered a traitor by his fellow Jews. Tax collectors collected revenue for Rome and were notorious for their dishonest practices, often pocketing extra funds for themselves. Isn’t it wonderful that even those marginalized or frowned upon had a place in Jesus’ inner circle?

Matthew’s gospel is recognized for its emphasis on fulfilling Old Testament prophecies. You might enjoy knowing that it opens with a genealogy linking Jesus to David and Abraham, showcasing the fulfillment of promises made long before. It’s all about painting Jesus as the prophesied Messiah, often strengthening the Jewish faith with poignant references and quotes.

Additionally, Matthew holds a significant part of Scripture devoted to the teachings of Jesus, such as the famous Sermon on the Mount. Imagine standing atop a hill, sipping some good ol' Mediterranean sun, as Jesus offered wisdom about love, forgiveness, and humility amidst the crowd. A delightful discover is how the art of storytelling flows through these passages—in one way, we get a glimpse into Jesus revealing depth through parables.

So here we have Levi transformed into Matthew, embracing a purpose far beyond collecting coins. Instead, he became a divine instrument for conveying teachings that transcend time, inviting everyone to a richer, compassionate view of life.

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