Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

In the parable why was the unjust steward dismissed from his job?

Wasting goods
Attacked a servant
Absent from work
Poor health

Find this question in our The Gospel of Luke Bible Quiz

The answer is: Wasting goods

Luke 16:1

In Luke 16, Jesus dives into the fascinating yet perplexing world of parables, using them as colorful stories to convey deeper truths. The parable of the unjust steward illustrates not just the steward's questionable management skills but also poses thought-provoking insights about responsibility and wealth.

What's captivating about this parable is the contrast it sets up. The steward is fired for wasting his employer’s goods, showcasing the importance of stewardship and the accountability that comes with handling resources. This can spark discussions about how one might utilize their talents and gifts. Often in the Bible, the theme of resource management echoes throughout, whether it’s the talents in Matthew 25 or the manna in Exodus.

Did you know that the word “steward” originally pointed toward someone who managed a household, like a modern-day property manager? Ancient Jews would have been acutely aware of this responsibility. Plus, in Jesus’ time, financial mismanagement was not just about money―it impacted families, community trust, and social standing, making this parable even more intriguing as it connects to real-life implications.

Interestingly, the steward’s crafty steps to secure his future add another layer, creating a riddle that challenges listeners to reflect—what does it really mean to be "wise" in the face of impending judgment? This invites a rich conversation, blurring lines between worldly wisdom and spiritual discernment, a key theme throughout the scriptures.

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