Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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What type of bird did Solomon import?


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The answer is: Peacocks

1 Ki 10:21-22 - Brought back from Tarshish once every three years along with gold, silver, ivory and apes.

Isn’t it fascinating to think about what king Solomon chose to import — peacocks! These stunning birds not only symbolize beauty and grace but also serve as a reminder of the wealth and splendor of Solomon's reign. You might even say they were the "fashion accessories" of the ancient world, often associated with royalty and extravagance.

In 1 Kings, we learn that Solomon created a trade connection with Tarshish, a likely reference to a prosperous region linked to the far-off land, possibly located in modern-day Spain. What did that say about his status? It implies a deep sense of wealth and cultural exchange — after all, they were bringing back not just fabulous birds but also gold and ivory. Collectively, these items pointed to a realm thriving in distinct artistic and economic endeavors.

Interestingly, the peacock’s feathers spark much more than mere admiration; they were coveted for their captivating color and intricate patterns, leading some to suggest a spiritual symbolism relating to immortality or beauty. Some Christians even link the peacock to the concept of resurrection, as the tail’s seasonal molting gives the impression of renewal.

Let's also not forget how Proverbs studiously warns: "Pride goes before destruction." It reminds us that while Solomon’s grandeur is notable, a wise discourse on the balance between wealth and humility carries potent wisdom to this day. Solomon's glorious reign represents both splendor and caution. All that glitters is not gold!

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