Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Which bird did Jesus say were sold two for a farthing?


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The answer is: Sparrows

Matt 10:29

In Matthew 10:29, Jesus uses sparrows to illustrate the value of God’s watchful eye over even the most insignificant creatures. Selling two sparrows for a farthing highlights how inexpensive and seemingly unimportant these little birds were in the time of Jesus. Yet, even with their low price, He emphasizes that not one falls to the ground outside of God's notice. This teaches us about God's intimate involvement with all elements of creation— nothing is overlooked!

Sparrows in the Bible often symbolize humility and serve as reminders of God’s providence. Consider this: sparrows appear not only in the Gospels but also in the Psalms. Psalm 102:7 describes the author as feeling like a lonely sparrow on the housetop, expressing feelings of isolation and abandonment. Interestingly, the Hebrew word for sparrow ("tsippor") encompasses a diversity of small birds, which opens a more rich understanding — it's representative of the joys and struggles of small, ordinary life experiences.

As a little fun fact, scientists have noted more than 50 species of sparrows in the world today! So, they’re not just biblical symbols; they’re also alive and buzzing Twittering all around us! By embracing the humble sparrow's message, we learn that everyone and everything holds inherent worth in the larger tapestry of life - cherished, noticed, and valued.

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