Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Who fed 100 men with 20 barley biscuits?


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The answer is: Elisha

2 Kings 4:42-44

The story of Elisha feeding 100 men with just 20 barley biscuits is a fascinating glimpse into both the miraculous events and social significance of sharing food in the Biblical world. In a time when bread was a staple, barely biscuits represented basic nourishment and community sustenance. This event echoes the miraculous feeding stories of the New Testament, particularly the feeding of the 5,000 with loaves and fishes—suggesting a deep-seated theme of divine provision.

Elisha, inheritor of the prophetic mantle from Elijah, was known for his miracles that not only addressed immediate needs but often challenged the prevailing structures of society. Just consider that on one level, this act of feeding men in the midst of famine reflects broader messages about divine care for the marginalized. These men would probably have claimed little of material wealth, emphasizing how access to food was often limited rather than abundant.

In Jewish culture, bread often symbolizes the covenant relationship between God and the people, replete with insights into meeting physical needs alongside spiritual nurturing. In fact, barley was one of the principal crops, and sharing it can symbolize a rich communal dependency, inviting bonds through shared meals.

Consider, too, the number 100—often symbolizing a complete mission and the turn towards abundance. It’s intriguing to think that with just a small offering, Elisha weaponizes generosity against scarcity. God’s blessings flow abundantly, despite our limited resources!

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