Bible Trivia Question
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How many cities of refuge were on the east side of Jordan?
Find this question in our Deuteronomy Bible Quiz
Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: 3
Deut 4:41-43
In the Book of Deuteronomy, we discover a fascinating aspect of ancient Israelite society—the Cities of Refuge. These six cities were designated as safe havens for individuals who mistakenly killed someone, ensuring that justice and mercy went hand in hand. On the east side of the Jordan River, there were three cities of refuge: Golan in Bashan, Ramoth in Gilead, and Bazrah.
Situated on the eastern brink of the Jordan, these cities were well-placed as centers of protection—not just for the accused, but also for the discontented traveler or the locally accused. According to Numbers 35 and Joshua 20, these cities represented God’s design for justice, allowing someone to escape avengers of blood until they could stand trial. The essence of refuge in these cities resonates throughout the Bible, evoking the theme of sanctuary.
It's fascinating to note that many scholars see parallels between the cities of refuge and modern concepts of asylum and sanctuary. The idea of providing a safe place can spark thoughts about our own duties to create environments where people can find security and hope, steering the narrative toward compassion.
Moreover, think about this: the names of some cities—like Golan—actually hold military resonance today as a picturesque area in the Golan Heights, showcasing the enduring significance of these biblical locations. Each city acted as a beacon of hope that pointed toward the values of protection and reconciliation in contentious times.
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