Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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Which of these cities was not a city of refuge?


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The answer is: Jericho

Josh 21

In the Old Testament, cities of refuge were unique sanctuaries prescribed for individuals who accidentally committed manslaughter. The goal was to ensure fairness and protect people from potential revenge, highlighting the biblical emphasis on justice tempered with mercy (Numbers 35:11-15). While Jericho is most famous for its unique triumph in the battle led by Joshua—the walls coming down with a shout and strategically placed musicians—it's fascinating that it wasn't chosen as one of those essential refuge cities.

Instead, names like Hebron and Shechem filled this vital role, each holding deep significance in Hebrew history. Hebron, significantly tied to patriarch Abraham, signified a place of promise. Shechem enjoyed pivotal moments too, being near the heart of various biblical events, including Jacob burying Joseph's bones. This illustrates how much geographical locations inform not only justice matters but also the overarching narrative of community and history in Hebrew culture.

Moreover, the designation of cities of refuge was essential for a society wrestling with the concepts of justice and repentance. Scholars often note how these cities engage in profound conversations about responsibility, guilt, and the nature of crime. Beyond Jericho's iconic walls, the spattered regions surrounding those refuge locations stood as a testament to the early society’s efforts to delineate protection, location, and the laws guided by consideration for human fallibility. Overall, studying these places deepens our appreciation for the rich tapestry of interwoven tales and meanings in scripture!

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