Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Why did Pharaoh give Joseph's family the land of Goshen?

They were farmers and needed good fertile land
They were shepherds, which are an abomination to the Egyptians
They were in need of a place to offer sacrifices
They were too numerous to live in Egypt

Find out the answer in our Joseph Bible Quiz

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What presents did Pharaoh give Joseph?

A fatted calf and some roasted grain
His ring, fine linen and a gold chain
His palace and 30 changes of garments
His seal and many gold ornaments

Aaron turned his rod into a serpent before Pharaoh, and Pharaoh's magicians did likewise, but what happened to their serpents?

They attacked Pharaoh
They fell into dust
Aaron's rod swallowed them
They were consumed by fire

Why did Elimelech go to live in Moab with his family?

Earthquake in his home town
Distant relatives invited him
Disagreement with his town leaders
Famine in his home town

What did Joseph do for Pharaoh that got him promoted to second in command over Egypt?

Rescued his daughter
Uncovered a plot to murder Pharaoh
Interpreted dreams
Healed his sickness

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Why did Paul see fit to give thanks to God always for the brethren at Thessalonica?

Their love toward each other had increased
Their work in the Lord's vineyard was fruitful
They had sent Paul a gift while he was in prison
They had treated Paul well

Why did Jephthah flee to the land of Tob?

He eloped with his neighbour's daughter
He was illegitimate and his brothers drove him out
He wanted to spend his inheritance
He killed one of his brothers

Why shouldn't we give anyone the title of 'Father'?

Men shouldn't give themselves titles of authority
Jesus was called Father
The title 'Father' is reserved for only the high priest
We have one father, who is in heaven