Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What name did Pharaoh give to Joseph?


Find this question in our Joseph Bible Quiz

The answer is: Zaphnath-paaneah

Gen 41:45

Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphnath-paaneah, which carries a meaning many scholars interpret as "the one who discovers the things hidden," or "revealer of secrets." This title symbolizes Joseph’s profound role in Pharaoh’s court after interpreting his dreams and predicting seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Imagine the shift in Joseph’s life—from his time in the pit and prison, to becoming the second most powerful man in Egypt!

Interestingly, Zaphnath-paaneah incorporates elements of power dynamics present in ancient Near Eastern cultures. Pharaoh renaming Joseph is a nod to the authority of rulers to reshape identities, but we'll also find echoes throughout the Bible where transformations happen through names—think about Sarai becoming Sarah or Saul turning into Paul. These transformations often come with new roles and missions, highlighting the significance of names in shaping lessons and destinies.

Let’s not forget, while specifically named by Pharaoh, Joseph's gifts along with his new title were used for the greater good as he helped many in distress during famine. This aspect ties into a deeper, powerful theme found throughout many biblical stories: adversity leading to purpose. Reflecting on Joseph's life can encourage you to think about the hidden potentials within your own tough experiences and the transformative power of resilience and compassion. Who knows? You might just uncover your own “hidden things” by embracing challenges!

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