Bible Trivia Question
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Which gods did the people of Lystra think Paul and Barnabas were?
Saturn and Janus
Jupiter and Mercury
Apollo and Mars
Find this question in our Acts of the Apostles Bible Quiz
Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: Jupiter and Mercury
Acts 14:12 - also Zeus and Hermes in the Greek.
When Paul and Barnabas make their way to Lystra, they perform an incredible miracle, healing a man who had been lame from birth. The reaction from the locals is something quite ridiculous when you think about it! They see these two traveling evangelists and, zealous as they are,2 they jump to the conclusion that Paul is Zeus (or Jupiter) and Barnabas is Hermes (or Mercury), the messenger god. This shows not only the depth of their superstitions but also how divinely-inspired acts can lead people to mix up truth with mythology.
Fun fact: Lystra actually had a history of Roman influences, including temples dedicated to these very gods. So maybe the crowd’s reaction was partly influenced by their own cultural lore.
The terms “Zeus” and “Hermes” in Greek echo deeply back to the powerful tales of Greek mythology, where these gods would frequently intervene in human lives, sometimes disguising themselves to test the goodwill or hospitality of mortals. Slipping a reader’s mind frame into that context enhances the spectacle of Paul and Barnabas in what Biblical scholars sometimes capture as a comedic twist. Imagine the confusion when Paul passionately tries to set them straight while they prepare offerings.
This story drives home a critical theme: the real power to change lives doesn’t come from heavyweight gods of myth but rather through one's actions, compassion, and message of universal love. Can transformational events happen today? Absolutely; spirituality can transcend myths equally if we are open to it!
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