Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

To who did Jesus say, "Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith"?

The Pharisees
Mary and Joseph
The disciples
Judas Iscariot

Find this question in our Sayings of Jesus Bible Quiz

The answer is: The disciples

Matthew 8 vs 25-26

In Matthew 8:25-26, we find ourselves in a rather tumultuous situation. Jesus and his disciples are sailing on the Sea of Galilee when a fierce storm arises, one so fierce that the experienced fishermen among the group think they might drown. Props to them though—storms on those waters can come up faster than a coffee break!

Their panic cues Jesus’s response. Sleeping on a cushion amidst chaos showcases his complete trust in the divine while underlining the disciples' fears. When he addresses them as "O ye of little faith," it’s not just a reprimand; it's an invitation to introspection. He's essentially asking them to reconsider their understanding of faith and trust—emphasizing that even a small amount of faith can weather even the mightiest tempest.

Now, here’s a fun nugget: "O ye of little faith" follows a theme of challenges to belief seen throughout the Gospels. This phrase echoes later when Peter starts sinking (another storm moment!) while trying to walk on water—scripture often highlights how, in dire situations, faith might falter even among Jesus’s closest companions.

The nature of this interaction illustrates that faith is a journey, complete with ups and downs, and anxiety is a very human response. The disciples' struggle resonates throughout Biblical narratives, providing us a powerful, relatable lesson: even in our stormiest times, we're encouraged to seek understanding and strength in our faith.

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