Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What did Thomas want to see before he would believe that Jesus had been raised?

The thorn imprints
The spear wound
The tomb clothes
The nail imprints

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The answer is: The nail imprints

John 20:25

In the story from John 20:25, we meet Thomas, affectionately dubbed "Doubting Thomas." His request to see the nail imprints in Jesus' hands before believing in the Resurrection is not just about skepticism; it echoes a deep human need for tangible proof. Isn't it refreshing to see such raw honesty in biblical characters? Doubt is often viewed negatively, but here it presents an opportunity for a profound encounter with faith.

Did you know Thomas wasn't alone in having questions? Other disciples grappled with faith too. For instance, Peter denied Jesus three times in the crucifixion's shadow; contemplation turned into disbelief. This tendency is all too relatable in our lives – we often seek signs before we lean towards trust or belief.

Interestingly, the nail imprints serve not just as a mark of suffering but also as a powerful symbol of transformation. They remind us that from wounds can spring forth healing, and from doubt can come conviction. Following Thomas' encounter with the risen Christ, he boldly went on to share the message throughoutIndia. The once-doubting disciple became one of the most essential figures in spreading the story of hope and renewal!

Symbolically, those imprints invite us to look deeper and question our own beliefs. Remember, faith doesn't have to be about blind trust; it can journey hand-in-hand with inquiry, deepening connections through the honest search for understanding.isხდ

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